About Me

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Multi-faceted is how I would describe myself, also an open book with plenty of room to add more pages, I am a sampler of sorts, I never seem to involve myself for long in any one particular thing, but like to think that instead of going through life from Point A in a nice straight narrow line to point B, I chose to visit a few of the side lanes along the way! and I have the War wounds and Victory Smiles to prove it!! :) My curiousity always got the better of me!! ;)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Hello Again my long lost Friend!!..I am so excited because I am going to start 'blogging' again.. It has been awhile, ..So Here is my first Blog :) Well I have done my 50mins on the Treadmill (walking) 10 mins of Resistance Band exercising, 15 mins Oil Pulling..I have a Blog somewhere on google!! (have to find the link and copy here) I am going to throw out a challenge or actually invitation if you may, .. I thought I would let anyone who is interested write down how much time they would like to commit towards exercising, for 7 Days, it can be any amount of time, and any amount of days, from 5 mins,10mins, 15mins, 20 mins, 30 mins, 45 mins, 55 mins, 60 mins, whatever you would like to commit to for 5 days, For example I am going to commit to at least 30 mins walking on my treadmill for 5 days, ..Anything over 30 mins is just an extra bonus :) ... How much time and how many days would you do? :) And for anyone interested in learning more about Oil Pulling and its Benefits here is a link to A fabulous FREE E-Book :) http://desicityguide.com/article/op1.html 

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