About Me

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Multi-faceted is how I would describe myself, also an open book with plenty of room to add more pages, I am a sampler of sorts, I never seem to involve myself for long in any one particular thing, but like to think that instead of going through life from Point A in a nice straight narrow line to point B, I chose to visit a few of the side lanes along the way! and I have the War wounds and Victory Smiles to prove it!! :) My curiousity always got the better of me!! ;)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

last night a older lady came in she had caught her leg on the car door and it tore her skin (the older you are the thinner your skin) so she came into the Chemist,bleeding, i sat her down, disinfected her wound, bandaged it up for her, and she went on her way!! .. Poor darling!! Mind you she was crying when she came in, when I went to put the disinfectant on her wound she yelped really loudly, which made me jump about 6 inches high on my chair!! Well she got the giggles, which set me off with the giggles!! hahah So as we both sat there giggling, I quickly finished rinsing and wrapping her leg up!! .. She left smiling (still sore but no longer crying) .. ♥

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